Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome, let the debate begin.

All-time Top Five Debut Albums:
5. Arcade Fire - Funeral (2004)
The Arcade Fire burst onto the music scene in 2004 with this wonderful album that is enjoyable from start to finish. Two more great albums later, they have proved this was no fluke.

4. Van Halen - Van Halen (1978)
With the opening cords of 'Eruption', Eddie Van Halen let the world know a new Guitar God had taken his throne. Seriously, what the man does to the guitar during that song should be illegal.

3. Kanye West - The College Dropout  (2004)
From the begining Kanye has been cocky, maybe more so than any other artist in history. He has told us, that when it comes to hip-hop he is the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time). He's probably right.

2. Pearl Jam - Ten (1991)

Ten reads like a greatest hits record, not a debut album. From start to finish, every song is top-notch.  Tweny years later, the songs on this album still get more radio play than any other Pearl Jam songs.

1. Guns N' Roses Appetite For Destruction (1987)

Had it not been for GNR our number two album (and all of grunge for that matter) may have never existed. In a time of over-produced, polished, fake rock n roll, Axl, Slash, and the boys dropped this record on the music industry like an atomic bomb, blowing it up. Appetite made rock dirty and dangerous again, and created a bridge from the bubble-gum of the 80's to the grunge era of the 90's.


  1. Hmmm... GnR, yes. Van Halen, oh yea.

    But, there my friend, we part ways...

    I'd have to with Boston's 'Boston' on the list, as well as The Eagles, 'Eagles' and Skynyrd's 'Pronounced'.

    Wait a minute, am I addicted to Classic Rock? I think maybe, yea.

  2. I've found that I have to delineate between THE top 5 and MY top 5 of anything. So let me throw a couple out there that are favorites of mine. There's some newer artists with great debuts, but I don't feel like noting them until they've proven themselves with a fuller catalog.

    U2 - Boy (which Boof gave me!)
    Counting Crows - August and Everything After
    Coldplay - Parachutes
    Derek Webb - She Must and Shall Go Free (debut solo album after several albums with Caedmon's Call)

    Alas... Jeff Buckley - Grace... sad he only got one studio album in before his death

  3. @Chase. I am glade to see both 'Parachutes' and 'Boy' on your list. When I was making my list I started with about 15 albums. Both of those barely missed the cut. In fact, Parachutes was #6.
