Saturday, January 29, 2011

All-Time Top Five Songwriters

5. John Lennon/Paul McCartney

If you judge Lennon and McCartney just on their early works, you could make a case for them being in the all-time top 5 worst songwriters.  However, thanks to the man who is #1 on the list, they started smoking ganja and their songwriting abilities improved 1,000%.  Best lyrics: 'Yesterday'

4. Eddie Vedder

Talk to a Pearl Jam fan and they will likely tell you Pearl Jam's music has helped them get through a difficult time in their life. Eddie Vedder has written the vast majority of these therapeutic songs. Probably known to the masses for their harder, angst filled songs, it is their more introspective and slower songs that are their best lyrically.  Best lyrics: 'Black'

3. Keith Richards/Mick Jagger

Keith and Mick have composed some of the most well known songs in the history of music. It is said, that somewhere a Stones' song is playing on the radio every second of every day. Best lyrics: 'Paint It, Black'

2. Bruce Springsteen

More than any other songwriter, Springsteen has been able to write about, identify, and inspire the working-class.  His songs often tell a story in 5 minutes better than some movies can in 2 hours. Best lyrics: 'Thunder Road'

1. Bob Dylan
Was there even a question about who would be number one? Everyone else was fighting for 2nd, really. Dylan is not just our best lyricist, he may well be our greatest poet. Colleges actually have classes devoted to the study of his lyrics. How crazy is that? Best lyrics: 'Masters of War'


  1. This is a pretty good list, Boof, although I think the list is fairly narrow in musical style. Except for Dylan, the rest are rock n roll or pop rock. I think there are several pop, soul and country artists that could contend.

    Here's a few that I think *could* contend with some on your list:
    Michael Jackson, Tom T. Hall, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Willy Nelson, Johnny Cash

    And in all honesty, although Eddie Vedder has a sweet spot in my heart, I wouldn't dare put him in the top 5.

  2. I agree that the list is narrow musically. However read the lyrics to the songs on Ten, Vs, Vitalogy,or No Code and tell me Tom T Hall is a better writer than Vedder.

  3. I will give you is, Cash was awesome, and almost made the cut.

  4. You know I'm well-acquainted with all the lyrics on those albums and I stand by my argument that Vedder isn't a top 5 all-time songwriter.

    Here's my number one reason why: The majority of his lyrics are inaccessible to most people. In fact, he's even lauded the fact that his lyrics are deeply personal, referencing events, people and things in his life that no one else would possibly understand. While that can make for some artistic stuff and listeners (like me) always project their own meanings on them, it's not the pinnacle of songwriting.

    It's much more difficult, in my opinion and experience, to write a song that communicates a personal idea in a way that lots of people can grasp and relate to. Hence, my acknowledgement of Tom T. Hall, Willy Nelson and Johnny Cash. I used to poo-poo country music, but the older I get and the more music I make, the more I realize that simple straightforward songs are hard as heck to write. It's much easier to be all vague and brooding, like Vedder and other alternative rock artists.

    With all that said, Dylan sure had some strange lyrics that I don't understand a bit... but he also had some of the most accessible and artful songs ever written - Masters of War, Blowin in the Wind, With God on Our Side and The Ballad of Hollis Brown, to name a few.

  5. Here's an interesting list of best living songwriters from Paste Magazine. I don't agree with it all, but it's a good read.

  6. In all fairness, the only Tom T Hall song I know is 'I Love', so I have nothing to judge him on, really. Back to your original comment: you mention Michael Jackson. I never listened to his music. However when he died his songs were on constant radio rotation for a while. It was only then that I realized what a great writer of pop songs he was, maybe the best ever at writing pop music. PS did Paste fold?

  7. Man, I just read the Paste list. Can't believe I forgot about Neil Young. My new list: 5. Vedder 4. Richards/Jagger 3. Young 2. Springsteen 1. Dylan. Seriously, how did I forget about. Neil Young?!

  8. Tom T. Hall is a master of story songs. Some of my faves:
    Old Dogs, Children & Watermelon Wine
    That's How I Got to Memphis

    It's not necessarily a great thing, but Michael Jackson (and Prince, perhaps) are responsible for about 90% of what we know as pop music today. He was the man.

    And yes, Paste stopped printing in August of last year, but still has their website.
