Monday, March 7, 2011

All-Time Top Five Bill Murray Movies

Bill Murray is the sad-clown prince of comedy.  He is one of the few people that can make me laugh just by looking at him. I own many of of his films, and watch them regularly. Now, to be eligible for this list, the movie must be a Bill Movie Murray, meaning he needs to be either the lead, or co-lead actor in the movie.  (For example, although his part in Zombieland is awesome, it is hardly more than a cameo, therefore in not eligible).  
5. Caddyshack (1980)
As Carl Speckler, a crazy grounds-keeper hunting a gopher, Murray steals the show in a movie that includes Chevy Chase and Rodney Dangerfield. That alone should tell you how good he is in Caddyshack.

4.  Kingpin (1996)
Murray plays bad guy, Ernie McCracken to perfection in Kingpin. The role initially was intended for Jim Carrey, but it's hard to imagine anyone else as McCracken, once you see Murray (and his hair) hamming it up.

3. Ghostbusters (1984)
A childhood favorite that hold up so well, it may very well be better now than it was when I was ten. As Dr Peter Venkman, Murray oozes cynicism and sleaziness. 

2. Rushmore (1998) 
Legend has it, that after Murray read the script for Rushmore, he liked it so much he offered to do the film for free, and with good reason. As eccentric millionaire, Herman Blume, Murray gives what is his finest cinematic performance.  He should of won Best Supporting Actor that year, but wasn't even nominated! When I post the inevitable All-Time Top Five Oscar Snubs, this travesty will be near the top.

1. Groundhog Day (1993)
The movie about a weatherman in a foul mood that re-lives the same day over and over, that I can watch over and over. Three of the films on this list are collaborations between Murray, and Harold Ramis. It is too bad they haven't made a movie together since Groundhog Day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

All-time Top Five White Stripes Songs

I was planning on doing an All-time Top Five Soundtracks for my next post, however with news of The White Stripes breaking up, I have decided to go in a different direction. I am not going to comment on each song individually; instead I ask that if you haven't heard these songs before please give a listen to them below (or listen to them again if you have heard them before, trust me they’re still good) The White Stripes are one the great bands of the new millennium.  Amazing what they could do with just two instruments.  With the loss of The White Stripes the music industry just got a little suckier.
5. You Don't Know What Love is (You Just Do As You're Told)

4. Hotel Yorba

3. I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself (Dusty Springfield cover)

2. Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

1. The Hardest Button to Button

Saturday, January 29, 2011

All-Time Top Five Songwriters

5. John Lennon/Paul McCartney

If you judge Lennon and McCartney just on their early works, you could make a case for them being in the all-time top 5 worst songwriters.  However, thanks to the man who is #1 on the list, they started smoking ganja and their songwriting abilities improved 1,000%.  Best lyrics: 'Yesterday'

4. Eddie Vedder

Talk to a Pearl Jam fan and they will likely tell you Pearl Jam's music has helped them get through a difficult time in their life. Eddie Vedder has written the vast majority of these therapeutic songs. Probably known to the masses for their harder, angst filled songs, it is their more introspective and slower songs that are their best lyrically.  Best lyrics: 'Black'

3. Keith Richards/Mick Jagger

Keith and Mick have composed some of the most well known songs in the history of music. It is said, that somewhere a Stones' song is playing on the radio every second of every day. Best lyrics: 'Paint It, Black'

2. Bruce Springsteen

More than any other songwriter, Springsteen has been able to write about, identify, and inspire the working-class.  His songs often tell a story in 5 minutes better than some movies can in 2 hours. Best lyrics: 'Thunder Road'

1. Bob Dylan
Was there even a question about who would be number one? Everyone else was fighting for 2nd, really. Dylan is not just our best lyricist, he may well be our greatest poet. Colleges actually have classes devoted to the study of his lyrics. How crazy is that? Best lyrics: 'Masters of War'

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All-time Top Five Sports Movies

5. Happy Gilmore (1996)

Yes, this isn't your typical, feel-good dramatic sports film like the other movies on the list. However, it is a movie about golf and it makes me laugh every time I watch it (which is a lot). For my money, this is still Adam Sandler's funniest film.

4. Remember The Titans (2000)

Denzel Washington is not exactly my favorite actor, so I never gave this movie a chance until a couple years ago. I should have watched it sooner. A great (and true) story that is very inspirational and moving.

3. Hoosiers (1986)

This is one of the first movies I ever remember watching with my dad.  Gene Hackman does some of his best work here, and as good as he is, Dennis Hopper may be even better.

2. Field of Dreams (1989)

Kevin Costner has been in several sports films, and all of them are good. Field of Dreams is great. If you are a dude, and you don't get choked up a little when he and his father play catch, then you have no heart.

1. Rocky (1976)
Why is the movie number one? Because it paved the way for all other sports films. There isn't a sports film made that doesn't borrow something from Rocky. The training montage, the underdog story, Rocky started it all.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome, let the debate begin.

All-time Top Five Debut Albums:
5. Arcade Fire - Funeral (2004)
The Arcade Fire burst onto the music scene in 2004 with this wonderful album that is enjoyable from start to finish. Two more great albums later, they have proved this was no fluke.

4. Van Halen - Van Halen (1978)
With the opening cords of 'Eruption', Eddie Van Halen let the world know a new Guitar God had taken his throne. Seriously, what the man does to the guitar during that song should be illegal.

3. Kanye West - The College Dropout  (2004)
From the begining Kanye has been cocky, maybe more so than any other artist in history. He has told us, that when it comes to hip-hop he is the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time). He's probably right.

2. Pearl Jam - Ten (1991)

Ten reads like a greatest hits record, not a debut album. From start to finish, every song is top-notch.  Tweny years later, the songs on this album still get more radio play than any other Pearl Jam songs.

1. Guns N' Roses Appetite For Destruction (1987)

Had it not been for GNR our number two album (and all of grunge for that matter) may have never existed. In a time of over-produced, polished, fake rock n roll, Axl, Slash, and the boys dropped this record on the music industry like an atomic bomb, blowing it up. Appetite made rock dirty and dangerous again, and created a bridge from the bubble-gum of the 80's to the grunge era of the 90's.